About Us
CAM’s Vision Foundation is focused on preparing blind/visually impaired populations to succeed as independent and productive members of their communities.
With services and programs made available to blind/visually impaired youth and adults that support, create community, counsel, educate, advocate, and adapt for their lack of vision thus preparing them to live and function included, respected, more independently, accepted and supported by the community at large.
CAM’s vision is to be a far-reaching resource to the blind and visually impaired fostering Literacy; Independence; Association and Fellowship in the world at large.

Our Goal
- Comprehensive after school program
- Inclusive summer camp for blind children alongside sighted peers
- Mentoring program
- Support groups
- Provide advocacy for families with disabled children
- Connecting parents to organizations and resources
- Provide services to families with disabled children
- 24 hour hotline for parents/caregivers in crisis

Meet Christopher
Christopher manages to maintain a balance and places equal focus on his academics. He learned to Braille at 3 years of age and recently earned 2nd place in the statewide Apprentice division at the 2016 Georgia Braille Challenge. He is an avid reader and a straight “A” student. Most recently, Christopher delivered the “Proclamation of Exceptional Children” to the Douglas County School System and Superintendent in March 2016.